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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The silly season has started

It's that quadrennial time again, the time when our news get filled with reports on what each presidential candidate is up to. For those who care it can be difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff, especially when most (all?) news in this country is seriously biased, mostly with a tilt to the left. I'd like to look at the candidates from that side. and it may take more than one post to cover them.

Bernie Sanders has declared his candidacy again, after getting robbed of the nomination in 2016 by the DNC. He seems to be doing well fundraising this time around, likely among millennial that hear "free stuff" and "tax the rich" without understanding what those phrases mean. Sanders claims to have started a revolution last time and thinks it's time to finish it now. This is the same Sanders who frequently  pointed to Venezuela as a model society, the same Venezuela that now has their military firing on their own people to keep the from leaving or bringing much needed aid that the Maduro regime has blocked from entering. The same Sanders who honeymooned in Russia, who never held a full time job that he wasn't elected to (after he was 40 years old). The same Sanders that wrote an article claiming that all men want to dominate their women and all women have gang rape fantasies (do you want that in the White House).The same Sanders who claims to be a man of the people, but owns three houses and spent over $300,000 on private jet charters. About the only good thing I can think of is he is not opposed to the 2nd amendment like most of his colleagues, but that doesn't mean he is a supporter either. He recently voted against a bill that would require doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after a failed abortion attempt.

His fiscal policies would definitely bankrupt this country, possibly before his first term was up, unless he used Obama's ploy of delaying full implementation until he was out of office. He supports high taxes for the wealthy (I think he forgets he is one) which usually leads to decreased revenue for the government at a time when more is needed to pay for the free stuff. His desire for a federal $15 minimum wage would drive more people to unemployment as businesses either cut staff or closed completely, further impacting the budget badly.

One last problem to mention with Sanders (there are really too many to list, just know he is a socialist with all that entails) is his age. If he gets elected he will be, by 6 years, the oldest president elected in this country at 79, meaning that he will have surpassed the life expectancy of men in the US. How long could he survive the stresses of holding that office at that age? Something to consider when choosing a leader as there is something to be said for continuity in leadership.

Next, let's look at Kamala Harris from California. This one is a definite enemy of the 2nd amendment, so if that's important to you be aware. She also proposes reparations to descendants of slaves, even though her family not only were never slaves but owned slaves. Her political background is as District Attorney of San Francisco 2004-2011 and California Attorney General 2011-2017. She was elected to the US Senate in 2016 and therefore doesn't intend to complete her first term in that position. She also is for open borders and limited Immigration enforcement, even if it negatively affects the US citizens she is supposed to represent. She also voted against a bill meant to protect infants born alive after a botched abortion attempt. Again, a person that feels the US needs to be "taken down a notch" and shouldn't hold itself as a world leader.

How about Elizabeth Warren? It took shaming her into a DNA test to get her to admit that she wasn't a native American, at least no more than 1/1024 (less than the national average, I believe), a claim she used for many years to get preferential treatment in jobs. She claims she didn't but is (or was) listed on Harvard's faculty roster as a minority and on her Texas bar application she wrote in native American. She is another candidate "of the people" even though she and her husband have a combined net worth of between 4 and 11 million dollars. Her political career involves her seat in the senate, prior to that she was a professor of bankruptcy law. She is semi supportive of Israel, our only ally in the middle east, meaning she may defend their right to exist but has asked that they not move Palestinian terrorists out of the territory they occupy on the west bank. Also another who voted against the bill to protect survivors of attempted abortion.

These are, so far, the front runners in the Democratic primary. We'll look at the rest of the group later, but this should give you some idea of where the left stands.

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