For many years the left has consistently denied many of the stances that they now openly espouse. Things like support for not just the right to an abortion (try finding that in the Constitution, I dare you) but now late term abortion and even letting an abortion survivor die. Things like supporting illegal immigrants over U.S. citizens, even to the point where they consider giving them the right to vote. Things like changing our way of government to a socialist model, since that seems to have worked out so well everywhere else it's been tried. Things like calling for censoring speech they disagree with, calling everything they don't like hate speech (try inviting a conservative speaker to almost any college campus and watch the reaction). What has changed? Why do they now feel comfortable attacking what has arguably been the most successful, free (as in speech, not beer) government in all of history?
There are several thing I can think of that help to explain these changes. First, beginning in the late 50's to early 60's more colleges started moving to the left, both in philosophy and faculty make up. This may be because more conservative teachers and administrators tended to move into technical fields, fields where they dealt in facts, not feelings. This left a vacuum in the social and soft science fields that the left (who tended to follow the teachings of such notables as Karl Marx) could and did exploit. It has been said by several leaders of countries that had/have a bad image that by controlling the education system you can control the future of the country (paraphrasing, but you get the idea). and they took this to heart. By teaching/indoctrinating, first at the college level to produce teachers, then at the elementary through high school levels with those teachers, they have created a generation of those who truly believe that socialism (and it's natural outcome, communism) is good and that capitalism is inherently bad. The history of this country, and the world, is not being taught as it should be, but as the left would have you believe it was. Instead, we have students being taught that white people, men in particular, are the cause of all the problems experienced by all minorities. We have students being taught that everybody gets a trophy, who then find out that the real world doesn't work that way and need safe spaces to deal with the horror. We have students being taught that the successes of this country in every field came on the backs of oppressed people, rather than from the fact that everyone here has the same opportunities if only they'll take the chance and work hard. We have people being taught that there are 63 different genders and if you disagree with that you must be homophobic. That if you think that legal immigration is OK but illegal immigration is a crime you are racist. The indoctrination starts in elementary school and continues through college, and if you manage to maintain your freedom of thought you are one of the lucky few, as that is actively discouraged.
Since one of those soft science fields is journalism, it only follows that the majority of those joining that field will have been indoctrinated into this way of thinking as well. This is proven out by the fact that most of the mass media in this country has no problem "creatively editing" video and audio to change the meaning. A great example of this was the 911 call from George Zimmerman, the man who defended himself from an attack by Trayvon Martin. During the call the 911 operator asked for a description of the person he was following, that request was edited out, ostensibly "to save time on air". That event also gave us a new racial description, white hispanic. The original reports were that Zimmerman was white, going by his name. Once they found out that he didn't fit the description, they need to correct themselves but still wanted it to look like a white man shot a black "kid" (6' 170 lbs at the time of the attack, no kid), and so invented the "white hispanic" descriptor. We also see it today, where the sitting president enjoys about 90% negative coverage, even when things like the economy and unemployment are better than they have been in decades, simply because they don't like the facts that a) he's a republican and b) he doesn't allow them to spin every word out of his mouth preferring to use social media to get his own message out. This left leaning media also serves as cover for things the left does wrong. How often do you hear of a conservative doing good, compared to how often you hear of their mistakes? Conversely, how often do you hear of problems from the left (and how quickly are those mistakes buried, compared to the right) compared to the media congratulating the left on their latest success?
We also see the outcome in things like sexual orientation or trans-sexual feelings. It is considered brave and strong and socially conscious to come out as gay or trans. Many cities hold gay pride events, some are even have drag queen story times for kids. Now don't get me wrong. I have no problems with someone who is gay, what they do in their own home is their business, but can you imagine the outcry if I tried to organize a straight pride day. It is also becoming a problem in sports, where trans athletes (usually male to female) are competing against the opposite sex. No matter what surgery or hormone treatments the athlete is given, with all else being equal a biological male (xy chromosome) will be stronger and faster than a biological female (xx chromosome) and therefore have a distinct advantage in most sports. This is being seen mostly at the high school level right now but I can see in the not too distant future a time when the only top athletes are biologically male. But I f I complain about this trend I'm trans-phobic or homophobic.
I'm not sure how this trend can be reversed or even if it can, but without a balanced media, one that simply reports that facts and doesn't try to create the news, we can't trust any of the mass media. The same goes for colleges, something like 34% of colleges have zero professors who identify as conservative, and they are a minority at the majority of the rest. Without revamping our higher education system I can only see the problem getting worse. Long gone are the days when a person could be self-taught and also very successful, maybe we need to start looking in that direction again. After all, many of the founders were self-taught, and remain among the most intelligent men ever to live.
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